/Development-oriented and innovative approach

Development-oriented and innovative approach

Since our story is tied to a cup of tea, the production of tea for children was our first innovative product, a product that is a completely innovative standard example not only in its design but also in its health-giving properties and features.
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In Shahsavand, we defined our mission to be innovative and progressive by equipping and developing the R&D unit.

Respecting nature, introducing innovative health-oriented products and experiencing fresh and wonderful flavors, promoting a healthy lifestyle and increasing awareness in the diet in accordance with human nature, is the road map for the Shahsund family.

Since our story is tied to a cup of tea, the production of tea for children was our first innovative product, a product that is a completely innovative standard example not only in its design but also in its health-giving properties and features.

Continuing its innovative path, Shahsavand continues to surprise discerning consumers by offering products such as Milk Tea with the exclusive name of Tea Mix, Masala tea according to Iranian taste, herbal cold drinks and Dalguna.

Respect for nature and firm belief that man is one of the most important natural elements led us to use natural materials and avoid the use of preservatives and artificial colors and flavors in the production of our products.

And today, with the presence of the fifth generation of Shahsavand in the field of business and industry, we seriously pursue nature-oriented innovation and creativity.

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